I have enjoyed this fall with Megan and Michael. WE walk to the school a couple of times a week to get Nathan and a kindergarten friend and we enjoy the nice weather and crunching leaves!
So here we are at the Hallowienie party for our ward on Saturday. The kids loved getting into their costumes and having fun with their friends. Flight commander Chantry's costume was out of this world, while Liz preferred to be under the sea. Michael fought fires and Megan was sweet enough to eat. Though her tomato hat lasted only long enough for the pictures. Our picture with our new family member (Jack O'Lantern Chantry, Jack for short) is a bit blurry, but the kids love it. They were so proud to pick him out from amongst the masses of pumpkins at the store. He was a whopping 23 pounds!
Just a funny note. I am typing this and Nathan is looking over my shoulder reading every word. There is no hiding anything from my kids now that they can read. They are alls o smart!
Happy Fall to all! The leaves are chaning and we had our fall break from school, the weather is turning chilly and Halloween is coming. It is definately fall! We had a fun weekend in Ogden and the kids enjoyed being out with the chanign and falling leaves. HEre are pictures of them on a rock in Grandma and Grandpa Chantry's front yard. Hope you are all well.