Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Reading the Book of Mormon

On January 4, 2016 Michael's primary teachers challenged his class members to read the Book or Mormon. They gave them a schedule that would help them accomplish this goal in 32 weeks. He finished on Monday (22 days later) and started again yesterday. Today we downloaded the special audio version of the Book of Mormon for the girls' special audio players. Megan is so excited to be able to listen to the Book of Mormon.Today on facebook a memory popped up, which had a picture of our kids with their scriptures from two years ago, when we finished reading the Book of Mormon. IT made me wonder about the other times that we have completed reading this wonderful book. (I am pretty sure I have taken a picture each time.

December 17, 2012

January 27, 2014

November 24, 2014 
(after this time we read the Pearl of Great Price, finishing it at the end of the year and starting the Book of Mormon at the beginning of the new year.)

September 21, 2015

When the kids were little we read the Book of Mormon stories book with pictures and summarized stories. We read it several times. Then, and I don't remember exactly when, but probably in mid-2011) we decided to tackle the Book of Mormon. It was slow going sometimes, but we realized that it wasn't about the speed of our reading. (ONe of our favorite memories was reading Jacob 5. It took lots of day, and we had big papers that we drew on to diagram the allegory of the olive tree, stick figures and all!)

It doesn't take us a long anymore. Part of that is because the kids are older, they read better and understand more. And part of it is because we read more consistently than ever before. We read in the morning now, before kids head out to school and Brian heads to work. It truly is a blessing to start our days by feasting on the words of Christ. We feel a difference on the days when we wait until the evening. 

We LOVE the Book of Mormon!

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