Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Gift of Motherhood

Today is Mothers' Day. I am always grateful for the reminders that motherhood is a vital part of Heavenly Father's plan for his daughters. And tonight a friend shared a couple of thoughts that have made me think about motherhood and Mothers' Day a little differently than I have in the past.

First, she said that she learned that Mothers' Day is not about celebrating perfection, but rather celebrating our every day efforts and our ability to get back on our feet and try again when we stumble. To be perfectly honest I don't recall a Mothers' Day when I felt completely inadequate or discouraged about how I was doing as a mom. Don't get me wrong, I have had plenty of those days. I just don't remember them coinciding with the holiday. But I plan to tuck away this thought and use it every time I need a pick-me-up.

Secondly, she asked what I thought of "the gift of motherhood" not only the opportunity to raise children, but also as a spiritual gift (a talent or quality) bestowed by the Lord (see 1 Corinthians 12Doctrine and Covenants 46:7-26Moroni 10:8-18). So rather than just having children, the gift of motherhood would be gifts of knowledge and qualities needed to rear them.

I have never really thought of motherhood as a spiritual gift, or at least not using that term, but now that I hear it stated that way, I think that it fits. To have the gift of nurturing and loving and teaching in a way that is pleasing to the Lord would indeed be a gift. I think that sometimes when our kids are little we are so consumed by taking care of their physical needs. Obviously teaching them the gospel is part of that, but I have learned that as my kids have gotten older the physical needs they have decrease, but they have much more need of emotional and spiritual care. The need for gospel teaching and training increases as their understanding increases and especially as they reach the age of accountability, make covenants and then prepare for young womanhood (for girls), receiving the priesthood (for boys) and attending the temple (for both girls and boys). This teaching doesn't just happen in formal settings, but throughout each and every day. And I know that Heavenly Father wants to be our partners as we raise HIS children. He wants to help us and as we diligently seek him he will bless us with the "gift of motherhood" and will help us know the best way to rear each of his unique and special children that he has sent to our homes, and he will help us to "mother" those around us who may be in need of another worthy and righteous example.

I will be the first to admit that I am not perfect, but just in this past week I have had a couple of experiences that helped me know that my Heavenly Father will truly bless me with the ability to help the children I have been blessed with.

Just a few days ago one of our children was facing a challenge, a really hard one, that they needed to overcome. I was truly at a loss of what I could do to help. They were in their room with the door closed. I was on the floor in the hallway wondering what I could possibly do. I closed my eyes and pled for some guidance. With actions that were not very characteristic of me and words that I had not planned to say and with patience I did not think I possessed, I was able to help this child. I know that they were the right things to be said and done, but they were not my idea, I don't really know how they occurred to me, but once I started to act they felt so natural. I know that it was with the Lord's help and through the guidance of the Holy Spirit that I was led to do the right thing for this special soul in my care. What an amazing learning experience for the both of us!

The second experience occurred tonight. The kids were in bed having their quiet reading time. Brian and I were playing a game. Megan had come down several times for drinks, hugs etc. She came down again. Usually my first reaction when it is past bedtime and I am tired is to say, "it is really time for bed." But tonight, similar to the other day, I just felt like I needed to act differently. It is hard to explain because there wasn't even really time for a conscious thought, but I am grateful for the experience that followed. This is how the conversation went.

Megan: Today in Primary I had this feeling and so now I am reading the Book of Mormon stories. I am going to read all of the scriptures stories.
Me: Do you know what that feeling was?
Megan (with one of the sweetest expressions on her face that I have ever seen): Love
Me: Do you know where that feeling of love came from?
Megan: Heavenly Father and Jesus
Me: And how do They help you feel love?
Megan (after a bit more guidance): The Holy Ghost

What a sweet, tender and amazing experience to share with this innocent spirit who is growing and progressing!

I am far from perfect and I make lots of mistakes, but I am grateful the Lord helps me to get up, dust myself off and try again. I am grateful that through the enabling power of the Atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ the Lord can help me be more and be better than I would be on my own, and this applies to motherhood just as it does to everything else in my life.

I am so grateful to have these four amazing kids in my life and for all that they teach me. I am grateful for those who have loved, mentored and mothered me, especially for my mother who has given me so much and who has set an amazing example of righteous womanhood and motherhood to me.

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