Sunday, September 27, 2009

It was great to see you!

This post is for Grandma DuVall and for Aunt Peggy. We had such a wonderful time visiting with you on Friday and Saturday. It is always such a treat to see you, but to have so much time and not much going on was particularly wonderful. We could just visit and enjoy one another's company. We hope that we see youa gain soon, and we hope Aunt Julie can come along next time. (Here are some pictures and I posted the Disney video below.)

Four generations

Just like Christmas. Thanks Grandma!

This is for Linda: Look to the right. I thought of you when Megan turned to this in her book today. I just thought I would share it. It is the picture we were talking about the other night.

1 comment:

Thill family said...

I just watched your video and it was so cute. Looks like you all continue to have lots of fun together. thanks for sharing.