Thursday, January 28, 2010


Here are a few stories about Miss Meg that I don't want to forget.

-Megan got some Princess CDs for Christmas with lots of the Disney princess songs. She loves them! The other night she was listening to them at bedtime (which happens a lot) and I realized it was Sunday. I went upstairs and told her we don't listen to Princess songs on Sunday, so we traded the CD out for a Primary one and all was fine.
The next day she asked, "What day is it?"
I said, "Monday."
"So it's NOT Sunday," she said, then headed over to her CD player, took out the primary CD and put the Princess one back in.
****She doesn't have anything against the Primary CD, but just wanted to make sure it was OK to listen to Princesses.

-We were at a friend's house and Meg was watching a Sesame Street movie with her friend Kate. At the end everyone was sitting on Sesame Street singing a song and Megan turned to me and said, "Mom, I think I am going to cry." Looks like she has inherited some of her sentimentality from her mom. Poor kid!

-Last night Megan was supposed to be in bed but I heard her whining.She was trying to tie LL Bean's leash (a rope she ties around her toy dog's neck) to the handle of a basket. When I asked her what was wrong she said, "I am trying to do a simple machine and it won't work." Liz filled me in and said that Meg was trying to make a pulley so she could pull the basket up to the top bunk.

-Megan watched our one and only My Little Pony videos then came to me and told me she has to be Sunny Daze (one of the ponys). When I asked why she said it was because Sunny Daze made a charm bracelet out of Sunbeams and she is a sunbeam at church. So cute! She love being a Sunbeam.
Megan wearing the crown she made in her very first Sunbeam class.
Megan "reading" a book. She is really eager about learning the letters
and sounds so she can learn to read.

She's growing up so much I don't know what to do with her (or myself for that matter.)

Sunday, January 17, 2010


I had a fun moment with Mike today. Megan was napping and Brian was reading to the other kids. We went and sat on my bed and he told me a little about Primary. Then he said, "I want to read you a scripture I read in Primary>" He ran and got his little blue Book of Mormon and told me ht reference. i asked him if he wanted help and he siad that he could do it on his own. And sure enough, he did! He found the book, chapter and verse, and read it to me, and he even told me what it menat. He is growing up way too fast!

This morning he was also looking for a him in his little hymn book. I told him I would find it and he siad, "No mom, I just need to go to First lines and titles." He went to the back, found this index, found the song and found the hymn number. Then he looked up the hymn. He is a pretty amazing five year old!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

My sister bought this book for Liz for Christmas. She said great things about it and my mom said great things about it. (This is a great perk of having a Children's Librarian for a sister. You get to hear about LOTS of great books.) As you can see it isn't a particularly flashy cover. and doesn't jump out to my eight year old like the bold and sparkly Rainbow Fairy or Tiara Club books do. I could sense a little hesitancy, so I decided to read first so i could encourage by mentioning a bit more about the book than the cover might tell.

After what Michelle and mom said, I am not surprised that I enjoyed the book. I am not even surprised that I LOVED the book. It was sweet and touching with a wonderful story about loving and being loved.

The story wasn't really what I expected, but to tell you the truth I didn't really know what to expect. If I was as good of a writer as Michelle I would have some cute and witty way to explain why I loved it so much, but all I can say is that it was so enjoyable to read. I didn't want to put it down. Liz has started it now and is really enjoying it. I am grateful for good books out there and grateful for a sister who lets us know what they are.