Monday, June 22, 2015

My heart is full

This morning I took a bath. While I was relaxing in the warm water for a bit I heard my teenagers (the ones from the last post). They were working together to bake banana bread. They had Piano Guys music playing and they were chatting and laughing together. I can't even express how grateful I am for these two kids. They are amazing, and even though they can bug each other at times, they really get along well. And that good relationship blesses our whole family.

About a month or so ago I was talking with my grandma and grandpa. We were talking about kids and instruments. They asked how everyone was doing on the piano and we talked about Liz's flute and Nathan's violin. Then, knowing how my grandpa loved playing the trumpet, I told him how Michael was looking forward to starting the trumpet in 7th grade (still a full year away). A little bit later he said, "I have a trumpet that I bought after high school that I would like to give you." He asked me to make sure MIChael knew that if he changed his mind, Grandpa would not be disappointed. When we brought it home and opened the case, Michael's arms went straight into the air in a gesture of victory. I wish I could describe how Mike's eyes light up whenever he is working on the trumpet.

Saturday we had a BBQ with all of the CHantry family. Don and Sue will leave this week for a 23 month mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They are serving at the MTC in the Philippines. It was so good to be with family. We got some nice pictures, and had the chance to be silly too. We added it to our bank of wonderful memories.

Yesterday was Fathers' Day. My dad had a lot going on this weekend. I was so grateful for the chance to talk to him for a few minutes and to know that all went well for him and mom the last couple of days. I am so grateful for them both. Together they created a wonderful home for me to grow up in, and now that I am married I better understand what the example of their relationship has done for me.

Fathers' Day at our house was a simple affair. The kids made cards and wrote notes. We had dinner together. Brian was able to be at church with us after filling some other assignments. He sat with the kids at church, while I sat on the stand because I was speaking. I was so grateful to know that he was there to support me(I was more nervous than I thought I would be.) There was not any big fanfare for him, which I know he prefers, but I wish there were words sufficient to express my love and gratitude for him. He is so good. He works so hard and teaches our kids to do the same. He wants nothing more than to serve God, whether that is at home, or in church callings and assignments. His service brings a wonderful spirit into our home. He helps me to be better every day.

Oh, how important family is.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Love your awesome family!!