Friday, May 30, 2008
Summer vacation has begun!
After the last day of school (if you can call it a day; Nathan went from 9-9:40 and Liz went from 9-10:30) we went to our friends' house and played in the sprinklers and had hot dogs off the BBQ for lunch. It was fun to be out in the sun, to play and just enjoy the start of summer. No one really figured out the Slip and Slide, but everyone had fun just the same.

Last day of school! Last day of school!
So I am not really sad that school is out for a couple of months. We are especially excited for next week, but today was a great day. Nathan had his kindergarten program. The teachers prefer to call it "I like school" but somehow, probably because of parents, it always ends up being called kindergarten graduation. No matter what it is called it was a cute (and short) program. The kids sang "I like school and school likes me" and "This is gonna be my lucky day." We are so proud and amazed by all Nathan has learned and done this year.
Nathan shakes the principal's hand. His teacher is in the back reading off the names.
Nathan with Tommy (in red) and Liam. Two of his good friends from school
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Anne of Windy Poplars and Pride and Prejudice (the movie)
I finished Anne of Windy Poplars today. I had it on tape and enjoyed listening ot it a great deal. It is the basis for a lot of what goes on in the second movie, though situations with a dozen characters in the book are combined to be just a few characters in the movie. I enjoyed it quite a bit, but am eager to move on to Book 5.
Last night I started watching the five hour version of Pride and Prejudice. I had intended to watch the first two or three portions of the movie, but by the time those sections are done I was to the best parts of the story, so I couldn't help but stay up and watch the rest. Brian was a good sport and watched with me, though he did have a good laugh about Mr. Bennet. I loved it! I was so glad to be able to sit through it and enjoy almost every minute.
Last night I started watching the five hour version of Pride and Prejudice. I had intended to watch the first two or three portions of the movie, but by the time those sections are done I was to the best parts of the story, so I couldn't help but stay up and watch the rest. Brian was a good sport and watched with me, though he did have a good laugh about Mr. Bennet. I loved it! I was so glad to be able to sit through it and enjoy almost every minute.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Pride and Prejudice
I finished Pride and Prejudice today, and despite the slow start I thought it was thoroughly wonderful. The last bit moved quite quickly and it seemed liked so much was happening, but it wouldn't have been as wonderful if so much hadn't been written in the beginning to set it all up. I can't believe it has taken me so very long to read this. NOw I am going to borrow the many hour version of the movie and enjoy it while folding laundry and getting ready for our trip to Maine!
Well we woke up to rain on Memorial Day but the clouds parted and the sun shone long enough for us to be in the pool and get our fill of water fun. Liz and Nathan did great paddling around with only water wings. Megan was fearless and loved having Scott help her "swim" around the pool. She paddled her little amas and said, "swimming, swimming". Michael enlarged his comfort zone a little bit and let dad help him in the big pool, but was excited to go play at his own pace with Mo0m and Meg in the jacuzzi. It was just the right temp to warm the kids up. Megan also let mom help her float.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
At the Park
We had a really HOT weekend last week and the nice sunshine lasted through Monday. In the morning we went to the park with friends. Michael and his friend ran like crazy. They were all over the playground having a ball. MEgan was fearless as she climbed to the top of the tallest slide and came down. She was so tickled with herself.
Monday, May 19, 2008
I am going to apologize in advance for this post being long and not very witty. In fact it could be boring to most, so just scroll down quickly and see the pictures if you want.
Last week Mcihael turned four so Saturday morning was all about him. He had his birthday breakfast with Grandma and Grandpa Chantry. Then we had a party with them and Scott and Jenalee. Michael opened a special present from Nathan and Liz. They recreated one of Nathan's books for him(it was so cute!) and made him a pencil can. Then Michael opened a Transformer from Scott and Jen. Mom loves it because it is made for # and 4 year olds and doesn't have any little pieces, yet Michael feels grown up with a Transformer of his own. Michael then dove into the giant gift bag from Chantrys (he literally could fit in it) and pulled out Planet Heroes and a rolling backpack. When he reached tot he bottom for his card he disappeared into the bag. It was funny! Then he opened the music player from Grandma and Grandpa Call. It didn't take him long to figure that out and he said that he was like mom. Last he opened a new helmet from Mom and Dad. He was thrilled by everything and the fact that he gets to ride a bike instead of a tricycle. We enjoyed cake and ice cream and then Chantrys had to leave.

Before lunch we went a rode bikes for a few minutes. Liz's tires were filled with air once again so she and Nathan flew around the parking lot. Megan pushed around on her tricycle and Michael had his first lesson in perserverance. He really did quite well for being on a bike for the first time, but he is still figuring otu the pedaling trick (he keeps breaking when he doesn't mean too). He will catch on soon though.

After naps for the kids (and mom) we had a BBQ. Our friends gave us a cute table for the kids and Michael helped me wash it. The kids played while Brian cooked and we all enjoyed a picnic otuside. What a fun day!
Last week Mcihael turned four so Saturday morning was all about him. He had his birthday breakfast with Grandma and Grandpa Chantry. Then we had a party with them and Scott and Jenalee. Michael opened a special present from Nathan and Liz. They recreated one of Nathan's books for him(it was so cute!) and made him a pencil can. Then Michael opened a Transformer from Scott and Jen. Mom loves it because it is made for # and 4 year olds and doesn't have any little pieces, yet Michael feels grown up with a Transformer of his own. Michael then dove into the giant gift bag from Chantrys (he literally could fit in it) and pulled out Planet Heroes and a rolling backpack. When he reached tot he bottom for his card he disappeared into the bag. It was funny! Then he opened the music player from Grandma and Grandpa Call. It didn't take him long to figure that out and he said that he was like mom. Last he opened a new helmet from Mom and Dad. He was thrilled by everything and the fact that he gets to ride a bike instead of a tricycle. We enjoyed cake and ice cream and then Chantrys had to leave.

Before lunch we went a rode bikes for a few minutes. Liz's tires were filled with air once again so she and Nathan flew around the parking lot. Megan pushed around on her tricycle and Michael had his first lesson in perserverance. He really did quite well for being on a bike for the first time, but he is still figuring otu the pedaling trick (he keeps breaking when he doesn't mean too). He will catch on soon though.

After naps for the kids (and mom) we had a BBQ. Our friends gave us a cute table for the kids and Michael helped me wash it. The kids played while Brian cooked and we all enjoyed a picnic otuside. What a fun day!

Friday, May 16, 2008
My Shelves
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tagged . . . for Brian
*What is his name? Brian Nelson Chantry
*How old is he? 30
*How long have we been married? eight years this August
*How long did we date? 2 1/2 weeks before we got engaged, 6 months before we were married
*Who said I love you first? Him
*Who is taller? Brian
* Who sings better? I certainly sing more, but I like listening to him sing too
*Who is smarter? It depends on what we're talking about
*Whose temper is worse? Mine I think
*Who pays the bills? him, but he keeps me updated on everything
* Who does the laundry? me
*Who cooks dinner? me
*Who drives when we are together? Definately HIM
*Who is more stubborn? Probably me
*Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Depends on the situation
*Whose family do you see more? His, but when mine are in town we spend tons of time with them and they get first priority
*Who has more friends? Me, I am a definite extravert, and he is a bit of an intravert
* Who wears the pants in the family? HIm, but I like it that way
*Who eats more sweets? We eat about the same, but I have less self control
*Who mows the lawn? Brian
*Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me, ask me about my theory on this sometime
*Who asked who out first? Brian did, I scheduled him on my calendar in ink
*Who kissed who first? Brian, and he asked first. It was so sweet
*What is your favorite thing about him? The way he smells when I kiss him after he shaves in the morning, the way we can stay up talking forever, how cute and wonderful he is as a dad . . . The list can go on and on
*How old is he? 30
*How long have we been married? eight years this August
*How long did we date? 2 1/2 weeks before we got engaged, 6 months before we were married
*Who said I love you first? Him
*Who is taller? Brian
* Who sings better? I certainly sing more, but I like listening to him sing too
*Who is smarter? It depends on what we're talking about
*Whose temper is worse? Mine I think
*Who pays the bills? him, but he keeps me updated on everything
* Who does the laundry? me
*Who cooks dinner? me
*Who drives when we are together? Definately HIM
*Who is more stubborn? Probably me
*Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Depends on the situation
*Whose family do you see more? His, but when mine are in town we spend tons of time with them and they get first priority
*Who has more friends? Me, I am a definite extravert, and he is a bit of an intravert
* Who wears the pants in the family? HIm, but I like it that way
*Who eats more sweets? We eat about the same, but I have less self control
*Who mows the lawn? Brian
*Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me, ask me about my theory on this sometime
*Who asked who out first? Brian did, I scheduled him on my calendar in ink
*Who kissed who first? Brian, and he asked first. It was so sweet
*What is your favorite thing about him? The way he smells when I kiss him after he shaves in the morning, the way we can stay up talking forever, how cute and wonderful he is as a dad . . . The list can go on and on
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mothers' Day to me!
What a fun morning. The kids woke me up with caramel cinnamon rolls (YUM!) and a very cheerful "Happy Mothers' Day!" Liz gave me some flowers planted in a cute cup.
Aside: She brought these flowers home on Friday. I wasn't home so Brian helped her hide them up high where I wouldn't see them. Then Saturday she couldn't wait for dad to water them so she asked for my help. She told me they were for "grandma". When Brian asked how she watered them she told her I helped her and that "Mom thinks they are for Grandma." She was pretty proud of her trickery and surprise.
nathan wrote me a note and wished me a happy day. He also asked "Do you still love us if we are mene or mad?" He was disappointed not to have another present, but i told him I get TWO mothers' days because I get to go to the kindergarten Mothers' Day Luau on Tuesday. There I get a plate decorated by my favorite kindergartener and a lei full of treats and cute notes, though I don't say this out loud because he wants it all to be a surprise. HE doesn't seem to remember that I went through this same thing last year. I also get to watch a hula dance that they ahve been practicing.
Michael read the word "moon" all by himself today. He is so bright and happy and it has been so much fun watching him learn and grow. He is so charming nad I have enjoyed this spring with him so much. He will turn four this week and I can't wait ot celebrate that with him.
Megan is still so happy and fun. She doesn't really know what today is all about, but she trotted into my room with a smile as big as anyone else's so I got the best part. I love seeing my kids happy and THAT is the best present ever.
Oh yeah, Liz made me the cutest little MOthers' Day book at school. One of the pages said, "I like it when my mom helps me with math." OK, so yes, I teared up. This is one of my favorite memories with my dad and I hope that my kids grow up not thinking I am TOO weird.
Aside: She brought these flowers home on Friday. I wasn't home so Brian helped her hide them up high where I wouldn't see them. Then Saturday she couldn't wait for dad to water them so she asked for my help. She told me they were for "grandma". When Brian asked how she watered them she told her I helped her and that "Mom thinks they are for Grandma." She was pretty proud of her trickery and surprise.
nathan wrote me a note and wished me a happy day. He also asked "Do you still love us if we are mene or mad?" He was disappointed not to have another present, but i told him I get TWO mothers' days because I get to go to the kindergarten Mothers' Day Luau on Tuesday. There I get a plate decorated by my favorite kindergartener and a lei full of treats and cute notes, though I don't say this out loud because he wants it all to be a surprise. HE doesn't seem to remember that I went through this same thing last year. I also get to watch a hula dance that they ahve been practicing.
Michael read the word "moon" all by himself today. He is so bright and happy and it has been so much fun watching him learn and grow. He is so charming nad I have enjoyed this spring with him so much. He will turn four this week and I can't wait ot celebrate that with him.
Megan is still so happy and fun. She doesn't really know what today is all about, but she trotted into my room with a smile as big as anyone else's so I got the best part. I love seeing my kids happy and THAT is the best present ever.
Oh yeah, Liz made me the cutest little MOthers' Day book at school. One of the pages said, "I like it when my mom helps me with math." OK, so yes, I teared up. This is one of my favorite memories with my dad and I hope that my kids grow up not thinking I am TOO weird.
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