Liz and Nathan really wanted to participate in the PTA Reflections contest at school, so they came up with ideas and did! The teheme this year was "Wow!" and so they thought of things that make them say, well, "Wow!" It was fun to listen to them reason and watch them work. Last week was the awards open house and we got to go see their work on display.
Nathan made a neat picture of a rocket in space. the astronaut is saying "WOW!" and he made the earth small so "it would look far away." I thought he did a great job. He won an honorable mention medal and look at his grin! His smile faded a bit when he saw Liz's awards, but he is doing better. He put everything on display on his desk and was so proud of it all!

Liz wrote a poem and drew a picture inspired by the whale watch in Maine. She drew a whale, then painted on vellum, tore it and made it the water. I thought it was a fun thing for her to do. Sure enough she was a school winner in both categories. Her stuff will move on to the district level (or whatever comes next).

Whales by Elizabeth Chantry
Humpback whales are really big, bigger than huge.
Amazing! Whales swim in the Atlantic Ocean.
Leaping is whale’s favorite thing to do in the ocean.
Exciting to finally see whales!
Spouts of air let whales breathe.
They both did a great job and we are so proud of the work they did!